Mr John Dunn
MBChB, FRACS, Laparoscopic and Bariatric Surgeon Endoscopist

place148 Gillies Avenue, Epsom, Auckland 1023, New Zealand
phone09-623 0555
After completing my surgical training in Auckland, I worked as Consultant Surgeon in the internationally renowned Hepatobiliary Surgical Unit of Groote Schuur Hospital, Cape Town. This position involved a large volume of flexible endoscopy. We were therefore well-poised to help pioneer the introduction of laparoscopic surgery in 1989-1990.
Since returning to New Zealand in 1991, I have been fortunate to establish one of the world's largest single surgeon series in laparoscopic cholecystectomy and, more recently, laparoscopic anti-reflux surgery, laparoscopic inguinal hernia surgery and laparoscopic obesity surgery. Meanwhile I have actively continued with flexible endoscopy.
Besides my clinical work, I remain Founder-Director of both Endoscopy Auckland & Laparoscopy Auckland.
Areas of Specialisation Include:
- Laparoscopic Cholecystetomy
- Laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication
- Laparoscopic Inguinal Hernlorrhaphy
- Laparoscopic Gastric Bonding
- Gastroscopy
- Colonscopy
Contact Details
148 Gillies Ave
Phone 09-623 0555
Fax 09-623 6662
Mobile 021-911 111